Irene Guim

Art Direction & Animation

Following my Advertising & Public Relations degree, I've worked for advertising agencies in a versatile environment that combines art direction with disciplines such as animation, branding, graphic/corporate/editorial design, digital marketing, and image or video edition.

say hi, hey, hello


Wedding invitation


This project was the petition of a couple that wanted their wedding invitation to be completely personalized.

Illustrations of trees and wheat stalks, representatives of the regional landscape, are the central thread running through the invitation.

The couple is a great fan of Wes Anderson, so it seemed fit to make a reference of two of his most famous movies.

The color palette was an adaptaion of the one on The Grand Budapest Hotel.

For the rear part of the invitation, we decided to create a customized map of the area where the wedding celebrations took place, alongside other useful details.

The map was inspired by the one used in the Moonrise Kingdom movie.

© Irene Guim